Learning Log

A logbook of little things I learned over time

31. August 2024

How to deploy a Next.js App to Production

30. August 2024

How to create complex databased routing in Next.js

28. August 2024

How to use Tailwind and import Figma Design Tokens

27. August 2024

How to build a complete Register/Login Flow in Next.js

26. August 2024

How to use framer motion

24. August 2024

That there is a run club in my area

21. August 2024

Admiring nature in it's fine details

19. August 2024

How to set focus states in Figma

18. August 2024

Swedish people are funny and welcoming

12. August 2024

How to use history back for links

08. August 2024

How to embed Rive files via runtime on any website

03. August 2024

Learned about Zone 2 running

02. August 2024

How to generate sitemaps dynamically in Kirby

31. July 2024

How to use overlay in Figma Prototyping

30. July 2024

How to build a full prototype in Figma that feels like an app.

29. July 2024

How to use Craft Docs as my daily todo list instead of tweek.so

28. July 2024

How SVG noise filters work

26. July 2024

Finally used mobbin.design the first time and I like it so far

24. July 2024

How to do a user interview

23. July 2024

How to create complete react components with Claude Sonnet

21. July 2024

How to create a dynamic interface ui connected with an LLM

20. July 2024

The first telecommunication of Northern Europe was built on the Lofoten Islands (right next to our Airbnb).

19. July 2024

Our current world can be disrupted by a single technical glitch. (Looking at you Crowdstrike)

18. July 2024

Working while traveling by train or plane is the ultimate procrastination relieve

13. July 2024

How drawer components work in a web app

10. July 2024

How to apply for student support in Germany

06. July 2024

Great people are living in Stockholm

04. July 2024

How seamless transitions work in webapps

02. July 2024

How to structure a sprint for a saas product

30. June 2024

How to set dynamic OG images in kirby

22. June 2024

How documentaries are filmed in a night train

18. June 2024

How to build adaptive layouts in kirby

17. June 2024

How to create a tetralemma (workshop technique)

15. June 2024

How to build custom components in kirby

13. June 2024

How to use webhooks

12. June 2024

How to set inner shadows in webflow (way more complicated than I thought)

11. June 2024

How to create structured tables in kirby

10. June 2024

Building a custom code tooltip component

09. June 2024

How blueprints work in Kirby

07. June 2024

How to integrate AI into my coding workflow

06. June 2024

Learned how flex-grow & hypens work

03. June 2024

Joining an organization is a big network booster

01. June 2024

Researching alone is hard, but connecting with new people proficient in that field is one of the best ways to learn new things.

25. May 2024

Friendships are just great

23. May 2024

How to limit texts in css to three lines

16. May 2024

Sometimes you just need to push and deliver

15. May 2024

How big corporate structures work

14. May 2024

You’re pretty capable of a lot of things, but sometimes it’s just not in your power

13. May 2024

Only because you messed something up doesn’t mean the other side thinks you’re not capable of your craft. Mistakes happen

12. May 2024

I'm a morning person and can't work efficiently in the evening/night

11. May 2024

How to make a complex desktop menu responsive for mobile

10. May 2024

Value should be calculated not by the time, but the value you create

09. May 2024

How to build a mega menu in webflow

08. May 2024

How bar logistics at a big concert work

06. May 2024

A lot of people just accept the status quo and don’t push forward

05. May 2024

Memory is the thing that will make AI so powerful

04. May 2024

Create tooltips that act as cursor

03. May 2024

How to create a dynamic table of contents