
That's happening in my life right now

18. August 2024


Finally moved to Stockholm

After a great few weeks with my friends in Hamburg, I arrived by night train today in Stockholm. I was welcomed by Håkan (the owner of the apartment), and together with two of his friends, I had a really nice dinner and already learned a few phrases in Swedish.

I still need to process this step, but I'm happy to see what comes in the next three years of studying in Stockholm.

Ha en bra dag, Moritz

11. August 2024


Getting lost in nature

Nature is one thing I relearned to admire in the last two months, it's an fascinating feeling to dive through every layer of nature on our little planet. There's so much complexity and fascinating things to see from just being calm and open.

One thing I've noticed is that tech-savvy individuals, who often spend significant time in front of screens, tend to be drawn to nature and value this time. This is an interesting phenomenon, maybe you can relate.

A blurred black-and-white image capturing the gentle flow of water and surrounding landscape.
Experiencing nature without fully immersing oneself can feel hazy and indistinct.
Close-up image of a green leaf showcasing its intricate veins and textures.
A close-up exploration of the intricate textures and vibrant hues of nature.

02. August 2024


Added a playground section

I was on the Lofoten Islands in Norway last week, and it was absolutely stunning. I shot some dope photos. So, I built a wallpaper gallery on the way back. It's a simple but really fun project.

Other changes to my portfolio this week include:

- Open-sourcing my portfolio on on GitHub
- Vector graphic paper texture for the card component
- Lazy loading images and minified CSS to improve site speed

19. July 2024


Updates to my portfolio

I've collected feedback from friends and made the following updates to the design:
- Tinted backgrounds for the project pages
- More accessible secondary colors and text sizes
- Underlined inline links

Another thing I added is a new page called "Learning Log," where I document small things I've learned over time. It's primarily for my own reference and motivation to continue learning, but you're welcome to check it out as well.

My Learning Log

09. July 2024


Laying foundations for something special

Creating something new from scratch is a special yet challenging endeavor. Stay tuned for what's to come - I'll likely have more to share in September.

23. June 2024


Apartment found

During my vacation to Stockholm, I visited two apartments that I found online and they looked good. The first one was quite bad, to be honest. It was a basement room with only a small window and around 10 square meters. So I wasn't that optimistic about the second one I visited really spontaneously on the second day. When I arrived, I first thought I was wrong because it looked too good, but the house owner was really nice and showed me everything. We got along pretty well, and I got 44 square meters for myself with a bedroom and a working room for around 340€ per month, which is a pretty rare find in Stockholm. So I'm happy and relieved to move to Stockholm in August. (I found the apartment on akademiskkvart, so if you're a student that's a great place to find good priced apartments.)

12. June 2024


Moving to Stockholm

Going big steps right now, I got admitted to Stockholm University to study the program Sustainability, Business & Ethics. So I will move to Stockholm in Mid-August (yayy!).

If you're from Stockholm or know anyone from Stockholm, hit me up.

24. February 2024


Simulated capabilities

Human brains often want to minimize work and risk. This is an evolutionary trait that has allowed everyone to survive to this point. However, the world is changing at a rapid pace, and with this old, evolutionary mindset, you may be underestimating yourself.

– Get out and try new things.

Woman meditating on a sand bank
Slow down to view new perspectives.
Woman sitting in front of a digital art installation
Get inspired by art.

01. February 2024


Travelling to Mexico

After working for the past few months, I decided to spontaneously book the trip I had long wanted to take – an exploration of Central America. Unfortunately, I initially missed my flight due to a missing ESTA visa (Thank you US). Undeterred, I traveled by bus to Amsterdam, where I spent a night in a hostel to catch a direct, budget flight to Cancun, Mexico.

Morning sunrise vibes inside a plane
Morning vibes aboard the plane.

07. January 2024


Completing a 10k run in snowy, hilly terrain.

It was a spontaneous decision. My friend Nick didn't want to run the 10K alone, so I signed myself up. Without much training in the last few months, I ran a two 6ks, and that was it. The first half of the run was slippery but doable. In the second half, the hills really challenged me, and I felt like giving up. Only because of the crowd and the competition did I push through and finish in under an hour. I’ll definitely remember this hour for the rest of my life and I’m proud that I didn’t give up.

– Your body is capable of a lot more than you think.

Person running up a hill in a 10k race
The funny technique was that it became less slippery the faster you ran.

25. October 2023



Because of some personal events I'm currently having a pretty bad time, in that times you notice on which friends you can trust. You will still feel bad, but you have someone that is there for you and listens to you.

Thank you Linus <3

Museum in Berlin showing a ocean of plastic
Free museum in Germany are excellent.
Rainy street at night in berlin
Good visualisation of my mood.

10. September 2023


Recap on my Asia Adventures

Some of my best shots on my solo travels through Asia

08. September 2023


Living in Japan

During my solo travels in Japan, the idea of moving here struck me, like it does for many other people visiting Japan. It's difficult to describe, but the cultural atmosphere of serenity feels incredibly calming.

I probably won't permanently move here, but I will consider living here for a couple of years.

Children playing football in Tokyo
Stunning to see how over 37 million people are living together in one city.
Businessman waiting for the train
Public transportation for everyone, regardless of location or time.

28. August 2023


New adventure

For the next 5 weeks I'll be travelling solo through Japan, Singapore & Malaysia.